विश्व विनायक

विश्व विनायक मन्दिर नेपाल, बागमती प्रदेशको भक्तपुर, मध्यपुर थिमिको चपाचो टोलमा अवस्थित एक हिन्दू मन्दिर हो। यो मन्दिर सिद्धिकाली द्यो छेँको छेउमा रहेको छ।

Travel Guides

Being the gateway to popular tourist destinations like Bhaktapur, Changunarayan, Dhulikhel, Banepa, Panauti, Jiri, this town itself is also an attractive tourist destination of historical and cultural importance with natural beauty and high geographical features.

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